What would it be like to feel confident as you move through your world?! (Awesome, actually).
Contact us to make an appointment.
Phone: (505)266-3655
Address: 4400 Lead Ave SE, Albuquerque, NM
Dizziness, vertigo and falls can really make it hard to lead an active life, to be able to take care of yourself, and to participate in your recreational activities. There can be several reasons for dizziness and falls, and our physical therapists can help you reduce your risk of falling by:
Assessing your risk of falling
Assessing response to dizziness/vertigo treatments
Helping you make your home as safe as possible
Educating you about the medical risk factors linked to falls
Designing programs to improve balance and safety
Designing individualized programs to reduce dizziness/vertigo
Working with other health care professionals and community services to create programs for people who want to reduce their risk of falling